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Defoamers for coatings

All systems, but especially aqueous formulations pose a challenge in paints and coatings in terms of foaming. Whether during production or during application, foaming can be controlled with defoamers.

Afcona Defoamers

Silicone and non-silicone based defoamers for coating systems.

EFKA® Defoamers

Defoamer for solvent-based systems.

Foamaster® Defoamers

Polymer-based and silicone-containing defoamers for aqueous systems.

Foamstar® Defoamers

Oil-based defoamer for aqueous system.

Lopon® Defoaming agents

Liquid defoaming agents based on renewable sources, they are free of APEO, silicone and mineral oil. They are highly effective for water-based emulsion paints, silicate emulsion paints and silicone resin paints and plasters.

Bodo Möller Chemie




Bodo Möller Chemie Group launches Japanese subsidiary for accelereating Asian market expansion.

Bodo Möller Chemie Group announces the launch of its new Life Sciences business in the IMEA region.

New event with interactive concept in November in Heidelberg.