The top products of the world’s leading manufacturers together with more than 40 years of expertise in the fields of adhesives, composite materials, casting of electrical components, coatings, plastic additives and textile chemicals stand for outstanding quality and innovative strength. We follow the megatrends and see ourselves as an interface between the chemical industry and the processing industry. We thus guarantee our customers neutral advice, comprehensive know-how and needs-based solutions.
Our technical consultants are specialists in application technology. They have a comprehensive process and application know-how in various industries, which is based on an excellent technical qualification and many years of industry experience. Competent support during the entire production process is thus guaranteed – from product development to series production. We are experts in our various industry-relevant certifications. Among other things, we are certified according to DIN EN 6701 for rail vehicle construction and DIN EN 9120 for the aerospace industry.
Let your innovation power run wild
We offer solutions and actively participate in innovations. Thanks to the close cooperation with the research and development departments of our partners and research institutes, we know the latest product developments and are therefore always in tune with the times. Small and medium-sized companies in particular, benefit from our wealth of experience and can efficiently drive their developments forward.
We are on hand with help and advice
Our technical advice is topped off by the services we offer in our in-house laboratories and our Adhesive Competence Center. Here we test, for example, customized adhesive bonds and determine the mechanical, thermal and structural properties of all structural adhesive types as a basis for calculation of adhesive bonds. In our textile and coating laboratories, we perform quality checks for all textile areas or for floor coating systems.
We offer many solutions for these industries:
Electrical and electronics industry
Composites & Mold making
Bus & Truck (Commercial Transportation)
Railway vehicles
Sport & Leisure
Packaging and Paper Processing
Wind energy
Construction & Case (Paints, Adhesives, Sealants, Coatings)
Plastics processing industry
Lubricant industry
Textile industry
Please feel free to contact us, even if you do not find your industry here.
Find your expert
Do you have a question about one of our products or need technical advice? Then contact our contact persons in the respective country directly. Here you will find your personal contact person.