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Nous distribuons les produits suivants de Huntsman:

  • Agomet® Colles de méthacrylate de méthyle bicomposant
  • ALBAFIX® Agents fixateurs
  • ALBAFLUID® Agents anti-plis / lubrifiants
  • Albegal® Égalisants
  • Aradur® Durcisseurs
  • Aradur® Durcisseurs aminés
  • Aradur® Durcisseurs anhydrides
  • Araldite® / Aradur® Systèmes de résines/durcisseurs formulés
  • Araldite® Adhésifs époxy haute résistance à 2 composants standard
  • Araldite® Colles de méthacrylate de méthyle bicomposant
  • Since several years Bodo Möller Chemie offers ARALDITE® adhesives from Huntsman for your industry, from aerospace to sporting items.
    The ARALDITE® brand includes high performance epoxy, acrylic and polyurethane adhesives as well as high performance specialty epoxy and benzoxazine resin systems.


    Bodo Möller Chemie offers you the complete ARALDITE® 2000 core range from Huntsman. The core range gives you the reliability and flexibility to cover 80% of your bonding needs.
    The ARALDITE® 2000 adhesive core range includes products which are resistant to impact, high temperatures, water and chemicals. The range also offers a variety of colors, open times, viscosities, and appearances.

    ARADUR® are curing agents used in conjunction with ARALDITE® epoxy resins. They are supplied in liquid or solid form. ARADUR® hardeners can be found in adhesives, composites and construction, electrotechnology, paints&coatings and aerospace, among others.
