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Bodo Möller Chemie Schweiz will distribute a product range in the sectors of paints, plastics, adhesives and composites. The trigger for the creation of the Swiss office is the deepening of the cooperation with Ciba which started in 1974. From December 3rd on, Bodo Möller Chemie will manage the distributing of the Ciba products also in Switzerland. These are products of the Ciba Business Line “Paints and Coatings” which are used in the paint and lacquer industry as well as in the construction.

The new company is based in Winterthur and started its activities on December, 1st, 2008 with an own Customer Service. Mr. Bruno Sallé de Chou is taking over the lead as new Managing Director.

Corporate Marketing

Senefeldertraße 176
63069 Offenbach am Main

+49 69 838326-137
+49 69 838326-166


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27.02.2025 - 28.02.2025, München

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