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Bodo Möller Chemie includes products of FP Pigments for coating and ink solutions Further expansion of the one-stop shop for Bodo Möller Chemie coating solutions

The Bodo Möller Chemie Group expands its product range in the area of coatings and printing inks, thereby taking another step towards the comprehensive one-stop shop for customer-specific formulated solutions and full service for their application. Initially, the distribution and know-how cooperation will be geared to the German market, where the products of FP Pigments for the color, coating and printing ink industry will be sold & distributed. “I am very happy about the cooperation with FP Pigments, since it expands our strategic portfolio of colorants and additives by adding an innovative pigment. With FP Pigments, we enable our customers to reduce the possible price volatility risks of TiO2 and thus to generate more planning reliability. Since FP Pigments produces in Germany, long and momentary time-consuming delivery times are also shortened,” says Florian Krückl, Vice President Global Business Management CASE & Textile Effects of the Bodo Möller Chemie Group.

High quality standards

The patented pigments are characterized by their perfectly controlled particle size, refraction index and morphology. In the final application matrix, the separation and precision of the particles are clearly optimized, thereby increasing the efficiency of the TiO2 pigments by an in-house production technology. At the same time, tailor-made products according to customer requirements and very high quality standards distinguish both Bodo Möller Chemie and FP Pigments. In addition, the two companies have been certified numerous times. The product range of Bodo Möller Chemie in the coatings sector has been known for years among its customers; apart from the distribution, the company takes over the worldwide services that decrease the important steps leading to the series production of an end product in the development departments of the final users. “In times of raw material shortages and uncertain delivery times, it is especially important to know that a qualified and reliable partner is on the customer’s side. At FP Pigments, we are happy to become a part of this and look forward to the collaboration. I already got to know the team during the first product training and I am excited about the joint projects,” says Kai Vogt, Account Manager of FP Pigments.

Complementary products

With an optimized supply chain, Bodo Möller Chemie facilitates the industrial procurement for core sectors like the CASE industry (coatings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers). Complementary products from one single source offer the added value that is required nowadays as part of fast developments and short time to market. An optimal customer care of the long-standing customers from various industrial sectors areas is a particular concern for the application and product specialists of Bodo Möller Chemie. For this reason, the product range and the sales & distribution regions are being continuously expanded. The wide range of complementary products in the respective divisions like coatings, adhesives and many other classes of materials offer industrial processors the possibility of receiving a customized and optimal as well as tailor-made solution. Here, customer proximity and fast reactions to continuously changing customer needs are decisive.

Corporate Marketing

Senefeldertraße 176
63069 Offenbach am Main

+49 69 838326-137
+49 69 838326-166


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