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The Composites Europe takes place for the 12th time from 19th to 21st September 2017 in Stuttgart. One of its main issues are applications in the automotive segment, especially the sector of electric mobility. Bodo Möller Chemie ( joins this exhibition as one of the most skilled and future-oriented distributor for specialty chemicals and adhesive systems. The exhibitor gives a great overview of its extensive solution portfolio in hall C2, booth C05.

Composites as growing industry

Electric mobility is a core application with great growth potential – it is of significant importance for the future, especially given the fact that conventional car drive is facing critical times. “Modern materials are a central component for lightweight construction. As distributor of leading companies we own long-standing experience in the application of highly effective adhesives and composites materials in the automotive, shipping, and aviation industry”, says Frank Haug, CEO of the Bodo Möller Chemie Group.

Expertise and competence center
The product portfolio is continuously extended, currently the focus is on solutions provided by Huntsman Advanced Materials, Dow Automotive, Hexcel, Sigmatex and Jushi Glas. In its own application and testing center Bodo Möller Chemie assists its customers finding the most appropriated solutions. In the Center of Composites in Poznan the possibility is given to proof processes, materials and forms on a small scale.

Corporate Marketing

Senefeldertraße 176
63069 Offenbach am Main

+49 69 838326-137
+49 69 838326-166


New Battery World 2025

27.02.2025 - 28.02.2025, München

JEC World 2025

04.03.2025 - 06.03.2025, Paris

European Coatings Show 2025

25.03.2025 - 27.03.2025, Nürnberg
